Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Children Creatively Collaborating!

Last week the weather was very rainy and we decided to have the two year olds engage in gross motor play inside the classroom after our circle time component.
We moved some of the furniture aside and provided tunnels to climb through, bean bags to toss in buckets, and small hoops to manually maneuver and use for hopping.   To give the play some extra atmosphere, we had “Raffi” music playing in the background.
As the young children began to move around and interact with the various provided materials, the song “Wheels On The Bus” began to play.  You could visibly see and hear several of the children engaging in the actions and singing along to this very loved song.  All of a sudden, Swinton began to turn his yellow hoop side to side like he was driving a bus…then he pulled a chair over and sat down, just as though he was the bus driver! Before long many of the other children started to move chairs into rows and sit as though they were passengers on a bus, as they physically created the actions to the song they were hearing.  When the song ended, they still sat so we started the song again…and again…and again!
This situation shows how children can create a circumstance where they are collectively collaborating and enjoying an experience all together!  Such a meaningful moment for all of us in this “Time For Two’s” program!!
Teacher Lori