Tuesday, 28 October 2014

All Aboard!

Here we are, two months in, and wouldn't you know it - we are starting to find our rhythm!! The twos are settling in and having a great time. The teachers are very excited by how far the children have progressed already!

Here's a few pictures from the past month to give you an idea of what we have been doing:

Table Top Activities

A construction puzzle

Sorting and stacking

A farm puzzle

A magnetic car puzzle

The barn and modes of tranportation puzzles

A teacher bonds with one of the children over a puzzle

Colour sorting

The Magna-Doodle



Carefully applying the glue to the tissue paper

Making a colourful collage

Painting - we love to try different things to paint with

Painting with duplo blocks

Or with our hands!

Floor Toys

We stack these and then send a ball down through them

Cars - these girls are taking turns seding the cars down the tracks


Fishing for different coloured fish

Putting the fish back in the fish bowl

Foam stacking - a definite favourite!


Sharing the trains and the track

Alphabet stones

The afternoon class loves to do the "ABCs"


Our "piano"

Music on wheels

Taking a giraffe for a ride

Shaking shakers while we dance to the music

Playing the bells

Singing "Let it Go" in front of the CD player

We also love to sing songs and dance at the end of every class, just before it's time to go home!


If the weather is nice, we go out on the deck to play with bubbles...

...and chalk

Learning how to blow bubbles

Taking turns to dip the wands into the solution

Imaginative Play

Casting magic spells with her magic wand

These two drove these cars all over the room...

...from carpet to carpet...

 ...to carpet...

...and then under tables...

...through tunnels...


...even under the lego table...

...no space too small...

...this lead to the teachers creating a long tunnel...

...for everyone!

They took turns crawling through the tunnel

Which became more challenging

And then it turned into a train!!!

All Aboard!!

The train to Two's Time is chugging along at a wonderful pace and we hope to keep moving forward!


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