Now that we've hit the 2 month mark the Twos have really started to settle into our program. Every day they make new discoveries and overcome challenges and I truly enjoy seeing their growth. Sometimes it's as simple as being handed a toy and being invited to 'bake' in their kitchen. Our class loves exploring the new activity areas we create for them each week. My favorite area of the room is the sensory section.

Each week we bring out various touch stations and let everyone explore. Recently we added water to the mix.
It was exciting to see the initial hesitation turn into pure delight as each child explored the water in their own way.
Another awesome part of being 2 months in is the routines that have developed. Once all of our class has arrived we have formed a routine of morning circle. We use this time to greet everyone and sing a few songs. A fan favorite is "Icky Sticky Bubblegum." It's a wonderful song that uses our imagination in every part of the song.

After a morning spent exploring our classroom I personally enjoy finding ways to run around and expel some extra energy. My favorite way to do this is to take the class outside whenever the weather allows for it. The twos really enjoy the 'blue park' as we call it. They love the slide, after we dry it off, the swings and the teeter totter. The routine of lining up and heading back upstairs is becoming second nature to them.

It's wonderful to see their growth in everything that we do each and every Tuesday and Thursday.
Until next time,
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